

Laravel Restify has a few requirements that you should be mindful of before installing:

PHP ^8.0
Laravel Framework ^8.0 for Restify <= 6.x
Laravel Framework ^9.0 for Restify ^7.x
PHP >= 8.1
Laravel Framework ^10.0 for Restify ^8.x


composer require binaryk/laravel-restify

Package Stability

If you are not able to install Restify into your application because of your minimum-stability setting, consider setting your minimum-stability option to dev and your prefer-stable option to true. This will allow you to install Laravel Restify while still preferring stable package releases for your application.


After the installation, the package requires a setup process:

php artisan restify:setup

The command above:

  • publishes the config/restify.php configuration file and action_logs table migration
  • creates the providers/RestifyServiceProvider and will add it in the config/app.php
  • creates a new app/Restify directory
  • creates an abstract app/Restify/Repository.php
  • scaffolds a app/Restify/UserRepository repository for users CRUD


After the setup, you should run the migrations:

php artisan migrate

Generating Mock Data

To generate mock data for your database, you need to install the doctrine/dbal package as a development dependency:

composer require doctrine/dbal --dev

After installing the package, you can use the restify:stub command to generate mock data for a specific table:

php artisan restify:stub table_name --count=10

Replace table_name with the name of the table you want to generate mock data for and use the --count option to specify the number of records you want to create.

For example, to generate 10 users:

php artisan restify:stub users --count=10

Quick start

Having the package setup and users table migrated and seeded, you should be good to perform the first API request:

GET: /api/restify/users?perPage=10&page=1

or use the json api format:

GET: /api/restify/users?page[size]=10&page[number]=1

This should return the users list paginated and formatted according to JSON:API standard.



As you can see, the default prefix for the restify api is /api/restify. This can be changed from the app/restify.php file:

'base' => '/api/restify',


One important configuration is the restify's default middleware:

// config/restify.php

'middleware' => [
    // 'auth:sanctum',

Sanctum authentication

Normally, you would want to authenticate your api (allow access only to authenticated users). For this purpose, you can simply add another middleware. For the sanctum, you can add the auth:sanctum. Make sure you put this right after api middleware.

We will cover this more in the Authentication section.

Generate repository

Creating a new repository can be done via restify command:

php artisan restify:repository PostRepository

If you want to generate the Policy, Model, and migration as well, then you can use the --all option:

php artisan restify:repository PostRepository --all

Generate policy

Since the authorization is based on using the Laravel Policies, a good way of generating a complete policy for an entity is by using the restify command:

php artisan restify:policy PostPolicy
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