

During index requests, usually we have to sort by specific attributes. This requires the $sort configuration:

class PostRepository extends Repository
    public static array $sort = ['id'];

Performing request requires the sort query param:

Descending sorting

Sorting DESC requires a minus (-) sign before the attribute name:

GET: /api/restify/posts?sort=-id

Sorting ASC:

GET: /api/restify/posts?sort=id

or with plus sign before the field:

GET: /api/restify/posts?sort=+id

Sort using relation

Sometimes you may need to sort by a belongsTo or hasOne relationship.

This become a breeze with Restify. Firstly you have to instruct your sort to use a relationship:

HasOne sorting

Using a related relationship, it becomes very easy to define a sortable by has one related.

You simply add the ->sortable() method to the relationship:

// UserRepository.php

public function related(): array
    return [
        'post' => HasOne::make('post', PostRepository::class)->sortable('title'),

The sortable method accepts the column (or fully qualified column name) of the related model.

The API request will always have to use the full path to the attributes:

GET: /api/restify/posts?sort=post.attributes.title

The structure of the sort query param value consist always from 3 parts:

  • post - the name of the relation defined in the related method
  • attributes - a generic json:api term
  • title - the column name from the database of the related model

BelongsTo sorting

The belongsTo sorting works in a similar way.

You simply add the ->sortable() method to the relationship:

// PostRepository.php

public function related(): array
    return [
        'user' => BelongsTo::make('user', UserRepository::class)->sortable('name'),

Using custom sortable filter

You can override the sorts method, and return an instance of SortableFilter that might be instructed to use a relationship:

// PostRepository
use Binaryk\LaravelRestify\Fields\BelongsTo;
use Binaryk\LaravelRestify\Filters\SortableFilter;

public static function sorts(): array
    return [
        '' => SortableFilter::make()
                BelongsTo::make('user', 'user', UserRepository::class),

Make sure that the column is fully qualified (include the table name).

The request could look like:

GET: /api/restify/posts?

This will return all posts, sorted descending by users name.

As you may notice we have typed twice the (on the array key, and as argument in the setColumn method). As soon as you use the fully qualified key name, you can avoid the setColumn call, since the column will be injected automatically based on the sorts key.

Sort using closure

If you have a quick sort method, you can use a closure to sort your data:

// PostRepository
use Binaryk\LaravelRestify\Http\Requests\RestifyRequest;

public static function sorts(): array
    return [
        '' => function(RestifyRequest $request, $query, $direction) {
            // custom sort

Invokable Custom Sort Classes

Alongside the already provided sorting mechanisms, you can also use an invokable class. This provides you with a flexible way to create your own custom sort logic using classes.

Basic Usage

Such classes should implement the __invoke method, which will be called during sorting. Here's an example:

class NaturalSort {
    public function __invoke(RestifyRequest $request, Builder $query, string $order, string $column): void
        $query->orderBy($column, $order);

You can then use it in your Repository's sorts method like this:

public static function sorts(): array
    return [
        'name' => app(NaturalSort::class),

However, for even more convenience, you can also directly specify the invokable class name as a string:

PostRepository::$sort = [
    'name' => NaturalSort::class,

Built-in Natural Sort Filter

For those not looking to write their own sort filters, binaryk/laravel-restify already provides a built-in natural sort filter. This allows you to quickly sort fields in a natural order without additional implementations:

use Binaryk\LaravelRestify\Filters\Sorts\NaturalSortFilter;

PostRepository::$sort = [
    'name' => NaturalSortFilter::class,

Using the NaturalSortFilter class, you can effortlessly apply natural sorting to your repository fields.

Get available sorts

You can use the following request to get sortable attributes for a repository:


To get all filters, you can use /api/restify/posts/filters?only=sortables,matches,searchables.

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Thu, Sep 7, 2023